“Victims of Communism and Terrorism in the USA INC”. it is a non-profit organization (501) whose mission is to remember the fallen marthyrs , helping our victims specially to the ones experiensing politic persecution giving them the suport they need , we will be suporting to politic prisoners in concentration camps around the world.
With our Human Values program we will created aweresnes rescueing the patriotic values that make of people and socierty prosperous.
We will be against Communism restoring Truth, Rightaction, Peace, Love and NonViolence”

Communism is based on terrorism in all areas of our society they use it to create panic in people, thus creating chaos and finally putting people and entire communities in a state of Shock, thus destroying people’s minds and hope and taking control of the minds and hearts of entire communities,  I believe that this aspect of Communism is the diabolical foundation on which they base their attacks on prosperous communities and families around the world to seize power.

Terrorist attacks can be organized by cartels and mafias working for communist groups and attacks can be directly on one or more people, physical and psychological attacks creating panic with arson attacks on private property, government, food production, food storage, basic necessities, financial attacks such as creating calamities in the stock market,  supply of gas, creating a cut of electricity or water at the national level or region in any country, and take control of the right of parents to decide on the education, type of life and future of our Childrens, they politically and sexually indoctrinate children and young people, promote child trafiking and pedophilia.

Communism with its different names and camouflages despite all these calamities that they have created for more than a century in different parts of the world, has never taken power from a country won democratically elections, they have always stolen them and either committed fraud or taken power by force, today has a Software, Internet cell phones to organize people and carry out their planned crimes.

Socialism is the door to Communism, said by Carl Mark .


Dimitrov General Secretary of the International Communist Party (KOMINTERN) in 1935 pointed out the following:

The formation of united Popular Fronts that provide joint action with social democratic parties is a necessity. Why not try to unite communists with social democrats, with Catholics and workers? Comrades, you will remember the ancient history of the capture of Troy. The attacking army was not able to achieve victory until, with the help of the Trojan horse, it penetrated to the heart of the enemy camp. We, revolutionary workers, must not underestimate the use of such tactics.

How I mentioned above, in this video collection you will learn how they have managed to infiltrate all areas of our society including the United Nations and its 2030 agenda.

We thank to Epoch Time for this productions

Analyzing the physical and psychological injuries that terrorism can produce in people, almost everyone knows the scope of the former. However, psychic sequelae are usually analyzed superficially and even as something accessory, not considering their high severity in this type of event.

In fact, criminal law has traditionally paid attention to the physical injuries of victims but has ignored the psychological damage.


The world will not recover its stability until man himself changes his way of life and destructive and selfish acts.”


“Man finds himself in a glorious earthly paradise and he has forgotten his origin and the purpose of his life”.
“The world will not recover its stability until man himself changes his way of life and destructive and selfish acts.”

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